Our Tailor

At JEKKAH we promise to never take our African product away from Africa. JEKKAH gives back to Africa and in particular the people of The Gambia by only employing local highly trained tailors. 

We would like to introduce to you our chief tailor:


{% assign slide_1_url = 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/jekkah/Yanks3.jpg' %}
{% assign slide_1_caption = '' %}

{% assign slide_2_url = 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/jekkah/Yanks2.jpg' %}
{% assign slide_2_caption = '' %}

{% assign slide_3_url = 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/jekkah/Yanks4.jpg' %}
{% assign slide_3_caption = '' %}

{% assign slide_duration = 5000 %}
{% assign animation_speed = 200 %}
{% assign auto_animation = true %}
{% assign animation_type = 'slide' %}

    {% if slide_1_url != '' %}
  • {% if slide_1_caption != '' %}
    {{ slide_1_caption }}
    {% endif %}
  • {% endif %} {% if slide_2_url != '' %}
  • {% if slide_2_caption != '' %}
    {{ slide_2_caption }}
    {% endif %}
  • {% endif %} {% if slide_3_url != '' %}
  • {% if slide_3_caption != '' %}
    {{ slide_3_caption }}
    {% endif %}
  • {% endif %}

jQuery(window).load(function() {
// Call fitVid before FlexSlider initializes, so the proper initial height can be retrieved.
animation:'{{ animation_type }}',
smoothHeight: true,
useCSS: false,
prevText: "",
nextText: "",
slideshowSpeed: {{ slide_duration }},
animationSpeed: {{ animation_speed }},
controlNav: false,
slideshow: {{ auto_animation }},
start: function(slider) {
jQuery("body .flexslider-loading").removeClass('flexslider-loading');